Saturday, 30 April 2011


I am so proud of myself! barring one or two exceptions where I covered two days in one post, I blogged EVERY DAY IN APRIL!

You have no idea how much of an achievement this is for me!

Just one last thing, I know I mentioned a surprise yesterday but really it was not really a surprise. My birthday is coming up, and I had an AWESOME day with two friends, Shawnee and Ana. We had a sushi/russian cake picnic in a beautiful cow-filled field, and sort of crossover role-played Lord of the Rings, played pooh sticks, teased drooling cows, and they even indulged me by letting me sing a long to most of the opening number of A Harry Potter Musical.


Yeah, it’s so cool, and it’s TOTALLY awesome.

xxix Home Run

I was all ready to resign myself to not posting today, but something tells me that giving up on the 29th day of 30 is a little pointless.

The fact is though, that today was a little pointless. But somehow it was nice. Even if I cried when I went running, cried when I walked/ran/stumbled past a grave, cried when Wills kissed Kate and then again, cried when I finished reading The Life of Pi, cried when a cheetah baby died in Lion Man and got teary eyes during the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows teaser trailer. Aren’t hormones spiffy?

Haha – not to worry! Really I’ve had an awesome day. I got nice socks. I’m not sure if they’re pink or orange so I’ve settled for ‘salmon’. And the ending of The Life of Pi was great! And Better With You is funny enough to make me laugh.

I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. Why? I guess you’ll find out soon enough……..

Until then, pretty pictures!


Thursday, 28 April 2011

xviii Wills and Kate

Wills and Kate are getting married tomorrow and I thought I’d dedicate this to them. Partly because I’m running out of blog post ideas, but largely because it’ll annoy my religiously hard-core republican dad*.

Something old: the vintage green and leather Samsonite briefcase I got for a fiver today from a charity shop. SCORE.

Something new: I’m going to go right ahead and class the briefcase together with the new 70p plastic water bottle I got. CHECK.

Something borrowed: Ok, I’ll admit, I’m struggling with this one, but I can wing it… the air I breathe. It is borrowed from those creatures on this earth who do not have to carry the immeasurable guilt of the human race on their Edit: Yup, I just, uh, didn’t finish that sentence…

Something blue: The sky is blue tonight, instead of orange! Let me explain: we live in a suburb on a hill. At the far side of the hill runs a busy motorway which normally lights up the night sky in an ugly sickly orange-grey colour. Not tonight! I’m not sure why, but it’s blue. Anyway, that counts.

Yup. And since my 90-year-old grandmother told me I am of a marriageable age now, I’m all set.
Anyone interested?

*as we are not American, I just wanted to clarify he is not Republican (i.e. the right-wing political party of the US) but republican (i.e. believes Britain should abolish the monarchy)

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

xvii Weird Facts

Here’s some more random dreams I have:

  • Appearance wise, I love tattoos (and, to a lesser extent, dreadlocks) – I just don’t think I’m ready for either of those commitments just yet. Here are some of my favourites in no order at all:

bird tattoo SSL22815 tumblr_li9j503UQM1qzabkfo1_400

tumblr_lhhkne3X5l1qzabkfo1_400 tumblr_lhhtymN8sy1qzabkfo1_400 tord_boontje_tattoo_by_robotslikejazz

tumblr_lhnp2vj0Kk1qzabkfo1_400 tumblr_li6h19teQy1qzabkfo1_400 tumblr_li2alm0joG1qzabkfo1_400 tumblr_lhgr93vOW61qzabkfo1_400 tumblr_lhhkb1IS2d1qzabkfo1_400

tumblr_li8n10Z2Oc1qzabkfo1_400 tumblr_lhg704lJzD1qzabkfo1_400 tumblr_lhoipuHcQ51qzabkfo1_400

tumblr_lhpyrhI0Qr1qzabkfo1_400 music spontaneity  SONY DSC SAMSUNG


  • be a bouncer – I did this (sort of) one night in Iceland and it was SO FUN!
  • take up judo again, and really really learn to enjoy sport – I will probably do this in oxford, and anyway, I’ve still got my ghi!
  • one day do a cross-country run, or some other endurance sport like hiking the welsh border – recently I’ve been running not around my ugly concrete and cookie cutter neighbourhood (have we covered how much I hate this town?) but with my mother. Apart from the fact that it’s awesome not to run alone, to have someone to encourage, be encouraged by, and give up on hills together with… we run (thanks to the car) in the beautiful countryside, and I forgot how much I love it out there!  Also, we’ve signed up to the Race for Life!


  • pass my driver’s license
  • learn, really learn, how to sail a boat – when I was younger (and the whole world, including my family, richer), we went sailing several times in the Greek islands. It was just as idyllic as it sounds, but I never paid enough attention to the sailing, more to the lounging about in the sun. Blame me?

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

xvi verdant fields mean nothing

I want to feel better.

But there’s nothing anybody but Dumbledore can do about that.

It doesn’t matter how verdant its fields or how witty its comedians, how inspired its writers or how beautiful its flowers, the British sky still cries.

Sorry guys.

No question today, unless you can send an old bearded magical man my way.

I don’t honestly care if it’s Dumbledore, or Gandalf, Merlin, or even any one of the many Gods which fill that role. I’ve never had a grandfather and I need one right now.

Monday, 25 April 2011

xxv Wills & Kate; Jack Wills Hate


Er… yeah, sorry… and that’s also misleading title. I’m actually not going to talk about Wills & Kate because I care about this much:


Ok, so I know that has little to do with anything, but… well... It’s an owl!

What this blog will actually include is scans of the abominable Jack Wills’ summer lookbook (pretentiously called a ‘handbook’). Despite the fact that I hate them (and trust me, I do) the catalogues which land on my doorstep (an accidental leftover from a previous inhabitant of the house) always contain beautiful lookbooks. I especially love the first three meadow pictures, and the ones in the forest… And I’d love to know who the redhead model is!






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Where do you go to find beautiful photographs?

Can you suggest any flickr groups, blogs, magazines, tumblrs, or other websites?

xxiv Two Beloved Blogs

One day I will catch up, promise. Today I’m recommending you to go look at these two blogs, one long-0time favourite and one recent love.

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Delightfully Tacky

Part fashion blog, part life blog, and sometime adventure in a Winnebago motor home blog.

Elizabeth’s is a charming and heart-warmingly genuine blog, interspersed with beautiful photos.

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Young House Love

This blog follows the  lives of John, Sherrie and their cute baby, Clara, a young family as they paint, furbish and DIY their home. I love the occasional snippets, be it Clara laughing at a ball or their dog, Burger, hijacking their duvet.



Do you have any blog recommendations – or even a blog of your own?