Wednesday, 6 April 2011

vi I went to the park

I went to the park. Or something.

P1010516 P1010517

I lay in the grass and read the first two chapters of Aunt Mame. I also got the first sunburn of the year. It’s on the right side of my back – and it hurts! I had fish fingers for dinner – yum.

Now I’ll watch the last half hour of You’ve Got Mail. Meg Ryan is giving me cavities but Tom Hanks is Tom Hanks so it’s all good.


How did you get the closest pink object to you in your room?


Yes, that’s the question I’m asking.

Also, I’m sorry about the adolescent mustard/grey blog scheme I’m going through at the moment. Hopefully I’ll find time to sort it out soon!

1 comment:

  1. By carrying it up the stairs ...

    Okay, it's actually one of those bright pink post-its that you use to mark points of interest in books. And I bought it in Ryman's :)


Any comments?